
Chopin University of Music

NIP 525-000-77-15, REGON 000275702

Chopin University of Music

NIP 525-000-77-15, REGON 000275702

  • Bank account ALIOR BANK S.A.

  • IBAN: PL 82 2490 0005 0000 4530 7131 3103
    for payments in PLN: main account

  • IBAN: PL 70 2490 0005 0000 4600 5158 8131
    for payments in PLN/didactics, ID cards, exams, indexes, etc.

  • IBAN: PL 72 2490 0005 0000 4600 2242 9992
    for payments in PLN/deposits, tenders

  • IBAN: PL 15 2490 0005 0000 4600 8064 2270
    for payments in PLN/rental

  • IBAN: PL 02 2490 0005 0000 4600 5120 6690
    for payments in PLN/accommodation at Dormitory Dziekanka - Krakowskie Przedmieście

  • IBAN: PL 82 2490 0005 0000 4600 9732 0699
    for payments in EUR

  • IBAN: PL 40 2490 0005 0000 4600 4686 9330
    for payments in EUR/the artistic training

  • IBAN: PL 03 2490 0005 0000 4600 8356 8200

  • IBAN: PL 94 2490 0005 0000 4600 5618 2298
    for payments in USD

Telephone numbers for individual faculties and departments

  • Department of Symphony and Opera Conducting

    • Dean - prof. dr hab. Jan Miłosz Zarzycki

  • Department of Composition and Theory of Music

    • Dean - prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Szymańska-Stułka

  • Department of Instrumental Studies

    • Dean - dr hab. Robert Morawski, prof. UMFC

  • Department of Vocal and Acting Studies

    • Dean - ad. dr Ae Ran Kim

  • Department of Music Education, Choral Studies and Eurhythmics

    • Dean - prof. dr hab. Wanda Tchórzewska-Kapała

  • Department of Sound Engineering

    • Dean - dr hab. Katarzyna Rakowiecka-Rojsza, prof. UMFC

  • Department of Church Music

    • Dean - dr hab. Michał Sławecki, prof. UMFC

  • Department of Dance

    • Dean - st. wykł. dr Joanna Sibilska

  • Department of Jazz and Stage Music

    • Dean - dr hab. Piotr Kostrzewa, prof. UMFC

  • Department of Instrumental and Pedagogy, Artistic Education and Vocal Studies - Bialystok

    • Dean - prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Promiński

Other telephones


I have read the information on the processing of data of persons contacting the UMFC

Information on the processing of data of persons contacting the UMFC [pdf]

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Chopin University of Music

The Department of Instrumental and Educational Studies in Białystok

  • Kawaleryjska 5 St.,
    15–324 Białystok

  • +48 85 742 15 07, +48 85 742 72 71

Library and Sound Library: tel.+48 85 742 21 56