Report your success!

Dear Students, Doctoral Students, Graduates, Educators and Employees of our University,
we are proud of your success and want to tell the world about them. That's why we've created an easy-to-complete questionnaire to get important information about you and your success into our database of achievements. We publish exceptional successes on the University's website and social media.

We will pass on information about your success to:
employees of the Department of Promotion and Careers for the purpose of making aggregate studies of, for example, categories of specialties in which you are successful, as well as informing about your successes on the UMFC website and on official UMFC accounts maintained on social media, including FB, Instagram, LinkedIn - with your prior consent in this regard and with the reservation that not all information sent by you will be published,
Concert Office employees in connection with the organization of concerts with the participation of competition winners.

If you would like us to publish the relevant information on our website, telescreen and/or social media, do not forget to include a scan of the competition diploma and your photo (preferred in landscape orientation, please remember to mention the author). Information about selected successes is posted on the University's website under the link

Best wishes,
Department of Promotion and Careers

Successes of UMFC