
prof. dr hab.

Marcin Zalewski

Department: Department of Instrumental Studies

Speciality: guitar

Professor Marcin Zalewski is a guitar, lute and viola da gamba player and, since 1976, a guitar class teacher at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music (the class was founded in 1975). He has headed the Unit of Harp, Guitar and Percussion since academic year 2009/2010.

prof. dr hab.

Marcin Zalewski


Professor Marcin Zalewski is a guitar, lute and viola da gamba player and, since 1976, a guitar class teacher at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music (the class was founded in 1975). He has headed the Unit of Harp, Guitar and Percussion since academic year 2009/2010.

He studied at the State Higher School of Music in Łódź with Professor Aleksander Kowalczyk (diploma with honours) and the viola da gamba at the Dresdner Akademie für Alte Musik with Jaap ter Linden. He holds the function of artistic manager of the early music ensemble ‘Canor Anticus’ (founded in 1970) and is a member of the ensemble ‘Il Tempo’.

Marcin Zalewski has appeared as a soloist and chamber musician on almost all philharmonic stages in Poland and in such venues as: Witold Lutosławski Studio of the Polish Radio in Warsaw, Royal Castle in Warsaw, Wawel in Cracow, Musikverein in Vienna, Schauspielhaus in Berlin, Opernhaus in Liepzig, Grand Theatre de Geneve, Lincoln Center in New York, etc., and on festivals which include, among others: International Contemporary Music Festival “Warsaw Autumn” (since 1974), Oratorio and Cantata Festival “Wratislavia Cantans”, Claudio Monteverdi Festival in w Warsaw, Baroque Operas Festival in Warsaw, Early Music Festival in Stary Sącz, ISCM World Music Days in Warsaw, van Vlaanderen Festival in in Bruges and Ghent, Holland Festival Oude Muziek in Utrecht, Glasgow International Early Music Festival, Festival International de Musique Sacree in Saint-Malo, Arolser Barock-Festspiele, Forum Europeen de Musique Ancienne in Paris, Musicora in Paris, Lameque in Canada, or Europalia in Belgium.

He also performed as an instrumentalist and singer in the staging of Medieval mystery play entitled “Ludis Danielis” at the Great Theatre – National Opera in Warsaw (circa 100 performances) and collaborated with the Great Theatre – National Opera, where he participated in stage performances of all preserved operas by Claudio Monteverdi and operas by H. Purcell, J.B. Lully and J. Peri.

Together with Michał Gondko, he was the performer of Poland’s first CD with lute music, which won the prestigious Phonographic Academy Award “Fryderyk” 2003. He took part in the recording of 4 analogue and 28 CD albums, 13 of which were nominated to and 5 won the “Fryderyk” awards.

Marcin Zalewski is Professor at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw (34 MA diplomas for guitar majors). In the period of 2002–2008 he taught the viola da gamba class at the Academy of Music in Cracow (5 MA diplomas). His students have won a substantial number of top prizes and honorary mentions at renowned guitar competitions in Poland and abroad.

He is invited to deliver lectures and give mater classes during scholarly symposia, festivals, courses at universities and music schools. He has sat on the jury and has been head of jury during numerous guitar competitions.