Scientific activity
Multidirectional research activities of both academic (Department of Music Theory, University of Humanities and Foreign Languages, Department of Music Education, Department of Music Acoustics) and artistic (instrumental departments, Department of Composition, Department of Symphony and Opera Conducting, Department of Vocal Performance, Department of Sound Direction) are carried out within the departments.
Scientific and research activities cover problem areas neglected in other scientific centers, including psychology and music theory, theory of music pedagogy and music education, editorial studies on the works of Frederic Chopin, instrumentology and acoustics. Preference is given to the study of Polish music (Chopin's works) and the theory of 20th century music.
The sphere of scientific research issues includes: music education in Poland; works of composers and performers of early and contemporary music; music reception and perception; perception of timbre, pitch and loudness of sound; auditory memory; analysis of the human voice and respiratory organ; modern means of sound generation and transmission; professional development of music teachers; human musical development across the life span.
In the system of continuous and interdisciplinary research, basic and applied work aimed at the needs of music education, culture and the country's economy is carried out from the following disciplines: fine arts sciences, psychology, pedagogy, medical sciences, sociology and philosophy. Interdisciplinary research teams consist of musicians, musicologists, educators, doctors, physiologists, physicists, engineers and computer scientists. The results of their work at the intersection of science, technology and art, receive interest from numerous national and foreign research units.
The Science and Advancement Department reports directly to the Vice Chancellor for Science.
prof. dr hab. Paweł Łukaszewski - Przewodniczący
prof. dr hab. Bożena Violetta Bielecka
prof. dr hab. Artur Kasperek
prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Kuraszkiewicz
prof. dr hab. Joanna Ławrynowicz-Just
prof. dr hab. Marcin Łukaszewski
prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Promiński
prof. dr hab. Alina Ratkowska
prof. dr hab. Lilianna Stawarz
prof. dr hab. Cezary Szyfman
prof. dr hab. Sławomir Tomasik
prof. dr hab. Monika Wolińska
dr hab. Janusz Brych, profesor UMFC
dr hab. Maria Gabryś-Heyke, profesor UMFC
dr hab. Rafał Grząka, profesor UMFC
dr hab. Zuzanna Elster, profesor UMFC
dr hab. Jolanta Janucik, profesor UMFC
dr hab. Beata Książkiewicz, profesor UMFC
dr hab. Robert Morawski, profesor UMFC
dr hab. Tomira Rogala, profesor UMFC
dr hab. Magdalena Stępień, profesor UMFC
dr hab. Ireneusz Wyrwa, profesor UMFC
dr hab. Dariusz Zimnicki, profesor UMFC -
Scope of activity
- settles funds from the subvention of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage allocated for scientific activities of UMFC units (scientific activities, publishing activities of departments, projects of young scientists and doctoral students),
- coordinates activities related to various programs of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education,
- coordinates activities related to applying to the National Science Center and other entities that fund scientific activities,
- develops and prepares analyses, plans and reports on
a) obtaining a scientific category,
b) scientific and artistic achievements of University employees,
c) scientific and artistic activities conducted at the University,
- prepares and sends mandatory reports resulting from the scientific activity of UMFC (e.g., in the POL-on system, ZSUN),
- prepares, processes and archives documentation on scientific and artistic activities,
- prepares an annual report on scientific and research activities to the Central Statistical Office,
- technically and legally manages the process related to proceedings for the awarding of doctoral, postdoctoral and professorial degrees,
- coordinates the reporting of all organizational units in the POL-on system,
- conducts the service of the Council for Artistic Discipline. -
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Regulamin Rady naukowej UMFC Zarz. nr 66
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Rozporządzenie MNiSW w spr. ewaluacji jakości działalności naukowej
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Rozporządzenie MNiSW zmieniające rozporządzenie w spr. ewaluacji jakości działalności naukowej
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Wymagania do uzyskania pozytywnej opinii Rady Naukowej
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