prof. dr hab.
Leszek Lorent
Percussionist. In 2008 he graduated with honours from the Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. He also studied at Conservatoire Nationale Superieur Musique et Danse de Lyon, master class of Prof. Jean Geoffroy. In the period of 2006–2009 he participated in the courses of interpretation of the new music in Estonia (Tallinn). He is a prize-winner of national and international competitions.
He regularly participates in festivals: Warsaw Autumn, Festival Aujourd’hui Musiques in Perpignan, Flaneries musicales in Remis, Festival Novelum in Toulouse, Warsaw Music Meetings, Festival of Traditional and Avant-garde Music “Codes”, or Musica Polonica Nova. As a soloist he has performed with the Polish Radio Orchestra, Orchestra of the Grand Theatre in Warsaw, Świętokrzyska Philharmonic, Sinfonia Iuventus, Orchestre Perpignan Méditerranée, and National Music Forum Orchestra.
He received numerous scholarships, e.g. from the Prime Minister, Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Société Générale Bank and Creativity Support Fund of the Union of Actors and Stage Composers, from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (for outstanding young scholars), the “Young Poland” scholarship, and was honoured with the Chopin University of Music Rector’s Award for academic achievements.
Among his achievements are premiere performances of pieces by numerous contemporary composers, such as Marcin Błażewicz, Dariusz Przybylski, Ignacy Zalewski, Miłosz Bembinow, Tomasz Opałka, Aleksandra Gryka, or Paweł Hendrich. He specialises in performing multipercussion works and instrumental theatre pieces. As a specialist in this area, Leszek Lorent participates in many conferences and scholarly sessions in Poland and abroad and he often is their initiator and academic manager; he also sits on the jury of contemporary music competitions.
In 2012 the artist obtained his doctoral degree in the art of music (doctoral thesis: Selected philosophical and performance aspects of multipercussion sound treatises by Iannis Xenakis, Vinko Globokar and Marcin Błażewicz), and in 2016 he obtained a post-doctoral degree (the artistic work was an album entitled Kundalini. Lorent plays Błażewicz). Leszek Lorent is an author of specialist books: Szkice perkusyjne. Zagadnienie filozoficzno-wykonawcze multiperkusyjnych traktatów dźwiękowych wybranych twórców [Percussion sketches. Philosophical and performance aspects of multipercussion sound treatises by selected composers] (publisher: Cultura Animi, 2014), and Ineffabilis. Perkusyjne dzieła Marcina Błażewicza [Ineffabilis. Percussion works by Marcin Błażewicz] (publisher: Cultura Animi, 2015). In the area of his scholarly enquiry and interest are also the philosophy of music, stochastic music by Iannis Xenakis, Polish sonorism issues, and primary sacred forms shaped by the sound of early percussion (rites and rituals of percussion music).
He is Assistant Professor at the Chopin University of Music in Warsaw where he heads the New Music Course. His articles on the borderline of music and philosophy are published in the journal of Warsaw schools of art Aspiracje, and in Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa — issued by the Polish Academy of Sciences, and in numerous other scholarly publications in Poland and abroad (17 items in total). His phonographic achievements include over a dozen CDs on which he performs as a chamber musician, and three solo albums:
- Eidos, with pieces by Dariusz Przybylski, Miłosz Bembinow, Ignacy Zalewski and Iannis Xenakis (directed by Michał Szostakowski, released by For Tune, 2013)
- Kundalini. Lorent plays Błażewicz, with world premieres of pieces by Marcin Błażewicz (directed by Andrzej Brzoska, released by Requiem Records, 2015).
- Tonisteon, with pieces by Iannis Xenakis, Marcin Błażewicz, Dariusz Przybylski and Ignacy Zalewski (directed by Michał Szostakowski, released by Requiem Records, 2016)
He is a member of Artists’ Association #ART and Artists’ Association Euforis.
Most important publications:
- Kulturowy status twórcy – genialność czy szaleństwo. Rzecz o transgresji [A creator’s cultural status – genius or madness. On transgression]; [in]: Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa; PAN [Polish Academy of Sciences]; 2011
- W cieniu Beliala i Menory – metafizyczne inspiracje Dariusza Przybylskiego [In the shadow of Belial and Menorah – metaphysical inspirations of Dariusz Przybylski]; [in]: Aspiracje, Journal of Warsaw schools of art; Warsaw; 2011
- Scenariusz wykonawczy kompozycji muzyczno-somatycznej? [A performance scenario for a musical-and-somatic composition] Corporel Vinko Globokara; [in]: online Polish-English quarterly magazine Heksis; 2011
- Emittelucem et veritatemtuam – perkusyjne sacrum przełomu wieków [Emittelucem et veritatemtuam – percussion sacrum of the turn of the century]; [in]: Aspiracje, Journal of Warsaw schools of art; Warsaw; 2012
- Najciemniejsza ciemność – Marcina Błażewicza gnostyckie misterium wyzwolenia [The darkest darkness – Marcin Błażewicz’s gnostic mystery of liberation]; [in]: Aspiracje, Journal of Warsaw schools of art; Warsaw; 2012
- Czy zdołasz nadać sobie własne zło i dobro i zawiesić wolę swoją nad sobą jak zakon? Efekt Lucyfera w relacji człowiek i Bóg, Stwórca i twórca [Canst thou give unto thyself thy bad and thy good, and set up thy will as a law over thee? The Lucipher effect in human-God and The Creator-the creating one relations]; [in]: Efekt Lucyfera w perspektywie naukowej [The Lucipher effect in a scholarly perspective]; editor: A. Drabarek, Z. Król; Warsaw 2013
- Szkice perkusyjne. Zagadnienia filozoficzno-wykonawcze dźwiękowych traktatów perkusyjnych wybranych twórców. [Percussion sketches. Philosophical and performance aspects of multipercussion sound treatises by selected composers] A book on percussion; publisher: Cultura Animi; 2014
- Sztuka, religia, praca socjalna, czyli o różnych odsłonach uniwersum i jego wpływie na jednostkowy rozwój człowieka [The art, religion, social work: on different faces of the universum and its influence on the individual development of a human]; [in]: Religijne uwarunkowania pracy socjalnej [Religious determinants of social work]; edited by M. Patalon; publisher: Adam Marszałek; Toruń 2014
- Ineffabilis. Perkusyjne dzieła Marcina Błażewicza [Ineffabilis. Percussion works by Marcin Błażewicz]; publisher: Cultura Animi; 2015
More information: www.leszeklorent.net