

Małgorzata Waszak

theory of music

In 1887, Małgorzata Waszak obtained a Master’s of Art degree in Music Theory at The Warsaw Frederick Chopin Academy (her MA dissertation was devoted to the issue of musical texture in Karol Szymanowski’s string quartets). She also holds a degree from the Postgraduate Study of Music Theory (1998-2000).

She embarked on a pedagogical career (general music subjects) in the academic year 1984/1985, commencing co-operation with ZPSM no. 1 in Warsaw, from which she then obtained the certified teacher title in 2002.

In 1996, she began didactic work at AMFC, obtaining the title of didactic assistant within the Faculty of Composition, Conducting and Music Theory in the following year.

She participated in several academic conferences held within the AMFC Faculty of Composition, Conducting and Music Theory as well as the Almanac of AMFC Composers project.

She holds a PhD in Arts, having defended her thesis titled ‘Sonoristics in the Twentieth-Century Polish String Quartet’ in September 2006.

She has been a lecturer at the faculty of Music Theory since the academic year 2006/2007, where she works in the capacity of associate professor up to this day.

Małgorzata’s main interest lies within the field of Polish contemporary music. She researches stylistic changes in the works of Polish contemporary composers as well as the history of her Alma Mater (publication: Karol Szymanowski – the First Head of The Higher Music School in Warsaw, AMFC, Warsaw, 2007). The fruits of her research range from many articles, encyclopaedic entries (The Katholic Encyclopaedia KUL) to participation at both national and international academic conferences, such as III International Academic Conference „Topos narodowy w muzyce polskiej międzywojnia”, I International Academic Conference as part of the series The Polish Song – sources, tradition, the present day: „Słowo a świat dźwięków w pieśni” as well as I National Academic Conference „Opera polska – źródła, tradycja, współczesność”.

In October 2008 she was given the Head of University’s Individual 2nd Degree Award as well as a badge of honour funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (ZASŁUŻONY DLA KULTURY POLSKIEJ). Małgorzata is also proud to hold the Head of the Centre for Artistic Education’s 2nd Degree Award, which she received in 2013 for her valuable contribution to the development of artistic education in Poland.