Department of Symphonic and Opera Conducting
Candidates eligible to apply for admission to artistic training programme at the UMFC must have at least secondary school-leaving diploma but in special cases Rector may allow a person without such a diploma to enter the programme. Artistic training may be offered in a language of tuition agreed on between an artistic supervisor and a trainee. In case when a curriculum of the training includes classes for different subjects the agreement should apply to all of them. The enrolment procedure is carried out by Deans of each Department. The enrolment procedure is competition-based.
Artistic training is fee-based. Fees for artistic training are determined each year by the University’s Rector. For current price list go to the official university website: The annual teaching load of artistic training cannot be lower than 30 teaching hours. One teaching hour (TH) has 45 minutes.
Terms and conditions of the enrolment
1. Registration of candidates
Registration through the IRK (Internet Registration of Candidates) system is obligatory and will be available via from 3 to 7 February 2024.
2. Paying the enrolment fee
The fee for entering the enrolment procedure amounts to 250.00 PLN. Please make your payment to your individual bank account number provided by the IRK system.
Terms and conditions of the enrolment – enrolment documents
Candidates should submit the following documents (by post – date of postmark serves as proof, or using the box that can be found at the University next to room 312), in compliance with the Rules of Artistic Training at the UMFC,
1. Admission application form for artistic training – in compliance with the specimen determined by the UMFC;
2. Personal questionnaire – in compliance with the specimen determined by the UMFC;
3. 2 photographs;
4. Commitment to incur the costs for artistic training – in compliance with the specimen determined by the UMFC;
5. Application for undergoing artistic training in a chosen foreign language in case of applying for artistic training offered in a foreign language;
6. Other documents, if specified in the information on the conditions of the enrolment for artistic training.
7. Foreign candidates, apart from the documents listed in Section 5, should also submit a certified copy of an insurance policy for the case of an illness or results of a fatal accident for the period of education in Poland or a copy of the European Health Insurance Card (EKUZ), or a signed declaration that the candidate shall take out insurance as part of the National Health Fund straight after beginning their training.
8. Candidates applying for admission to artistic training must submit their secondary school certificate, unless they present a university diploma, subject to Paragraph 10 Section 1 of the Rules of Artistic Training at the UMFC. Persons who obtained their secondary school certificate or university diploma abroad shall be obliged to submit an authenticated document with a certified translation into Polish.Being admitted to take the enrolment exam depends on whether a candidate has paid the enrolment fee.
Recruitment documents must be complete and in paper form.Candidates who do not submit a complete set of the required documents on time or who send them electronically will not be accepted for the artistic training programme.
Teaching offer
Major: Conducting
Specialty: Symphony and Opera Conducting
Individual classes in symphony and opera conducting (to select). The training is aimed at widening the knowledge and experience in the above-mentioned field.
• prof. Tomasz Bugaj
• prof. dr hab. Szymon Kawalla
• prof. dr hab. Jan Miłosz Zarzycki
• dr hab. Rafał Janiak, prof. UMFC
• dr hab. Monika Wolińska, prof. UMFC
• dr hab. Michał Klauza
Enrolment conditions
• sending a DVD with a recorded concert or an orchestra rehearsal or a link to a recording on the YouTube platform by the end of the registration period in the IRK to the following e-mail address:
• sending together with the above mentioned recording an artistic biography of the candidate by the end of the registration period in the IRK to the following e-mail address: limit
• 7 people
• 6 000 EUR per 30 THs