Postgraduate Vocal Consort Studies of the UMFC Branch in Bialystok

Aim of the studies
The aim of the studies is to fill the gap of specialisation in the field of ensemble a cappella singing, included in the area of broadly understood choral studies. The ensemble's a cappella singing, which has been developing for several decades, should now be considered the leading trend in the performance of vocal polyphony of the Renaissance era. One of the objectives of the study programme is to protect the repertoire of old masters and to shape the perception of this type of work as one of the canons of European music. Ensemble singing in performance practice is not limited only to the music of old times, but also functions in compositions created from the late nineteenth century to modern times. One of the consequences of this state of affairs is the need to give new performance patterns to the music of later epochs. 
The wide range of repertoire dedicated to this type of vocal ensemble requires thorough preparation in both the history of the development of a cappella vocal polyphony forms, knowledge of the wealth of performance styles appropriate to the repertoire, the history of the development of word-music relationships in choral music, and the acquisition of vocal competences specific to ensemble singing.

•    persons holding a diploma of completion of at least first-cycle (undergraduate) studies;
•    graduates of foreign universities with a bachelor's or master's degree - a legalized or apostille-bearing diploma or another document of graduation of a higher education institution abroad is required, entitling to undertake postgraduate studies in the country in which it was issued, recognized in accordance with the provisions on the nostrification of diplomas of graduation of higher education institutions obtained abroad or on the basis of an international agreement, as internal to the relevant Polish diploma of graduation of first or second-degree studies; 
•    polish citizenship is not required.


    October 2024 – June 2025 (four-semester studies)

    List (form) of classes
    •    Ensemble singing (classes conducted by one of the specialists of a given repertoire department in groups of 3 to 8 people),
    •    Voice production techniques (individual classes),
    •    Specialised literature (group classes),
    •    Stage performance practice (group classes).

    Ensembles singing:

    Cezary Szyfman, Prof., PhD
    Anna Moniuszko, Prof., PhD
    Ewa Rafałko, Prof., PhD
    Piotr Zawistowski, Prof., PhD
    Karolina Mika, PhD

    Voice emission techniques:
    Cezary Szyfman, Prof., PhD
    Ewa Barbara Rafałko, PhD
    Przemysław Kummer, MA

    Specialised literature:
    Anna Moniuszko, Prof. PhD
    Piotr Zawistowski, PhD
    Karolina Mika, PhD

    Stage performance practice:
    Anna Moniuszko, Prof., PhD
    Piotr Zawistowski, PhD

    In order to obtain a diploma of completion of Postgraduate Vocal Consort Studies, it is necessary to pass all subjects in the study programme. Methods and conditions of crediting are included in the course cards.



    Registration of candidates in IRK: 15 August - 5 September 2024
    Paying the recruitment fee: 15 August - 5 September 2024
    Uploading links to audio-video recordings on YouTube: 7 September - 10 September 2024 
    Candidate qualification: 15 September 2024
    Provision of a complete set of documents by e-mail - only for qualified candidates: 20 September 2024

    •    Registration in the IRK system is mandatory and will be available via from August 15 to September 5, 2024.
    •    The amount of the fee for the procedure related to admission to postgraduate studies in the academic year 2024/2025 is EUR 60  
    •    Account numer: IBAN: PL 82 2490 0005 0000 4600 9732 0699
    •    Documents necessary for the recruitment process should be sent to the following address: 

    Entrance exam:
    •    The entrance exam takes place remotely. Vocal skills are checked on the basis of the submitted recordings - required sending of links to audio-video recordings on YouTube or Bilibili along with a link to the sheet music files of the performed works to the following address: . Each work may be submitted separately.
    •    Required vocal programme range (max 20 min.):
    1. solo piece (Renaissance song or Old Italian aria or Baroque aria),
    2. selected voice part from a polyphonic piece a cappella (Renaissance motet or madrigal or any secular or sacred work of the 19th-21st centuries).

    Admission conditions – recruitment documents for foreigners:
    1. application for admission to postgraduate studies (according to the template),
    2. personal questionnaire (according to the template),
    3. 3 photographs (size 3 x 4 cm),
    4. a copy of the diploma of completion of first-cycle or second-cycle studies, or uniform master's studies – original for inspection,
    5. obligation to bear the costs of postgraduate studies (included in the application form for admission to postgraduate studies),
    6. medical certificate on the lack of contraindications to study at postgraduate studies,
    7. a copy of the insurance policy against illness or accidents for the period of education in Poland or a copy of the European Health Insurance Card or a signed certificate of joining the insurance in the National Health Fund immediately after the commencement of education,
    8. a copy of a legalized or apostille-bearing diploma or other document of graduation of a university abroad, entitling to undertake postgraduate studies in the country in which it was issued, recognized in accordance with the provisions on the nostrification of graduation diplomas of higher education institutions obtained abroad or on the basis of an international agreement for internships with the relevant Polish diploma of graduation of first or second degree studies or uniform master's studies,
    9. confirmation of the recruitment fee.
     Documents in a foreign language are submitted together with a sworn translation.
    The compliance with the original documents submitted by the candidate is confirmed by the employee of the UMFC accepting the documentation.

    Admission conditions – recruitment documents for candidates from Poland:
    1. application for admission to postgraduate studies (according to the template),
    2. personal questionnaire (according to the template),
    3. 3 photographs (size 3 x 4 cm),
    4. a copy of the diploma of completion of first-cycle or second-cycle studies, or uniform master's studies – original for inspection,
    5. obligation to bear the costs of postgraduate studies (included in the application form for admission to postgraduate studies),
    6. a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications to taking up postgraduate studies,
    7. confirmation of payment of the recruitment fee.
    Further information:
    •    In addition, a CV containing a brief description of musical education and artistic experience should be submitted.
    •    Should you choose the postgraduate studies in the field of string quartet, only registrations of the groups that establish string quartet will be accepted.



    Postgraduate Vocal Consort Studies (four – semester studies) 
    1400 EUR– fee for one semestr with a minimum of six participants
    1850 EUR– fee for one semestr with three participant
    Minimum number of participants required to start studies: 3

    For questions regarding content issues, please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator:
    Coordinator of Postgraduate Vocal Consort Studies  - Karolina Mika, PhD