Department’s of Humanities and Foreign Languages teaching activities include lectures on the history of philosophy, art history, cultural history, aesthetics, philosophy and sociology of music, and communication in music. Two lectures are delivered in English: Chosen Aspects of Polish Culture and Sound and Image.

DHFL's offer includes lessons in three foreign languages: English, French and German. In the case of bachelor's studies, the lectures end with an exam at the B2 level, and in the case of second degree studies with a B2+ exam, covering specialized musical vocabulary depending on the specialty. In addition, for foreign students and Erasmus program scholarship holders, a Polish language course is conducted. The University's lecturers also conduct classes in language phonetics in the specialties of solo singing and acting and choral singing.

The scientific activities of DHFL Employees include issues of philosophy, philosophy of music, theory and history of music culture, aesthetics, art history, literary studies, translation studies, librettology and linguistics. They regularly publish, edit, and participate in conferences. The scope of research mainly covers interdisciplinary issues.


    A class in musical history and aesthetics was established at the Warsaw Institute of Music, headed by Bolesław Wilczynski.
    The concept of combining musical history and aesthetics continued in the structure of the Warsaw State Conservatory. The lecturer was Henryk Opieński. When Karol Szymanowski became rector, philosophy was introduced as an additional subject, entrusted to Fr. Jerome Feicht CM.
    1990 s.
    The establishment of the Department of Humanities and the Department of Foreign Languages with an interdepartmental character, which were later merged into the Department of Humanities and Foreign Languages.
    Establishment of the Department of Humanities. After the Department of Humanities and Foreign Languages was incorporated into the Department of Composition, Conducting and Music Theory and became a Department, then a Chair. The head was Jagna Dankowska (1991-2005).
    2004 – 2013
    Functioning of the Department of Humanities in the structure of the Institute of Music Sciences. The leading positions were held by Mieczysława Demska-Trębacz (2005-2013) and as acting head Tadeusz Kobierzycki (2012-2013).
    Independent functioning of the Department of Humanities after the liquidation of the Institute of Music Sciences. The head was Stanislaw Dabek. Established the Foreign Language Didactics Team, the chairman of which was first Elżbieta Zeiske-Krawczyk (2013-2014) and then Małgorzata Sokołowicz (2014-2016).
    1 October 2016
    Transformation of the Department of Humanities into the Department of Interdepartmental Studies of Humanities and Foreign Languages. The head of the unit was Agnieszka Muszyńska-Andrejczyk.
    1 October 2019
    Transformation of the Interdepartmental Study of Humanities and Foreign Languages into the University of Humanities and Foreign Languages. The head of the unit is Agnieszka Muszyńska-Andrejczyk.

  • Employees

    Agnieszka Muszyńska-Andrejczyk, PhD – coordinator
    Inés Ruiz Artola, PhD
    Małgorzata Sokołowicz, PhD (leave in academic year 2021/2022)
    Anna Szyjkowska-Piotrowska, PhD
    Elżbieta Lesiak-Bielawska, senior lecturer, PhD
    Nina Oborska, academic teacher, PhD
    Joanna Jasińska, PhD
    Barbara Godlewska, senior lecturer (Faculty of Instrumental and Pedagogical Sciences in Białystok)
    Anna Kiełczewska, senior lecturer (Faculty of Instrumental and Pedagogical Sciences in Białystok)

    Cooperating educators
    Monika Pawelec-Skurzyńska, PhD
    Agnieszka Gotchold, PhD
    Michał Bruliński, MA
    Jacek Sienkiewicz, MA
    Agnieszka Bronakowska (Faculty of Instrumental and Pedagogical Sciences in Białystok)
    Agnieszka Dołżyńska (Faculty of Instrumental and Pedagogical Sciences in Białystok)
    Agnieszka Polecka (Faculty of Instrumental and Pedagogical Sciences in Białystok)

  • Selected publications of DHFL staff

    – Lesiak-Bielawska, E. (2015), Basic English for Musicians. Symbols of Musical Notation
    – Szyjkowska-Piotrowska, A. (2015), Po-twarz. Przekraczanie widzialności w sztuce i filozofii (After-Face. Transcending visibility in art and philosophy)
    – H. Berlioz, La damnation de Faust. Libretto (2015), translation, elaboration, introduction M. Sokołowicz
    – Ruiz Artola, I., (2015) Formiści, la sintesis de la modernidad
    – Muzyka i filozofia 1: Refleksje, konteksty, interpretacje (Music and Philosophy 1: Reflections, Contexts, Interpretations) (2017), ed. K. Lipka
    – Ruiz Artola, I., (2017) A contrapelo, textos de arte no-oficial en Polonia (1960-1989)
    – Puccini na głosy (Puccini for voices) (2017) , ed. S. Dąbek, A. Muszyńska-Andrejczyk, M. Sokołowicz
    – Szyszkowska, M.A., (2017) Wsłuchując się w muzykę. Studium z fenomenologii słuchania (Listening to music. A study in the phenomenology of listening)
    – Lesiak- Bielawska, E. (2018), Teaching and Researching English for Specific Purposes
    – Lipka, K. (2018), Abstrakcja i przestrzeń. Szkic o ekspansji myśli i sztuki (Abstraction and Space. A sketch on the expansion of thought and art)
    – G. Bizet, Les Pêcheurs de perles. Libretto (2019 ), translation, elaboration, introduction M. Sokołowicz
    – Szyjkowska-Piotrowska, A. (2019), Dyrygując falom. Myślenie w wizualno-muzycznych awangardach (Conducting the waves. Thinking in visual-musical vanguards)
     Shenton, A. (2019), Arvo Pärt. Audible light, translation from English J. Jasińska
    – Muszyńska-Andrejczyk, A. (2019), Puccini. Willidy-Edgar-Manon Lescaut. Genesis, libretto, translation
    – „Studia Librettologiczne i Operologiczne”, tom I ("Librettological and Operological Studies," Vol. I) (2019), ed. A. Muszyńska-Andrejczyk
    – „Studia Librettologiczne i Operologiczne. Granados, Goyescas, Goya i kultura hiszpańska”, tom II ("Librettological and Operological Studies. Granados, Goyescas, Goya and Spanish Culture," Vol. II) (2020/2021), ed. A. Muszyńska-Andrejczyk, M. Kubala, I. Ruiz Artola.


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