Doctoral School

Graduates with a master's degree or an equivalent degree may apply to the Doctoral School. The new Act along with the activities undertaken by the UMFC Council of Artistic Discipline made it possible to apply also for candidates from fields of study previously nonexistent in Doctoral Studies, e.g. rhythmics or dance. It is also possible to propose doctoral dissertation topics (compositions and description or the written assigment itself) combining old, alredy non-existened disciplines, e.g. dance and music theory, instrumental studies and composition, choral music and jazz, etc. Musical arts also include issues of art pedagogy, various types of interdisciplinary activities, etc., if music is an essential element of them. The Candidate has a chance to convince the recruitment committee about the sensibility and a thorough reflection on his/her proposal of the planned topic of the PhD dissertation.

The Doctoral School offers each PhD student a monthly scholarship (approx. PLN 2,500 per month for the first 2 years, higher after obtaining a positive grade after 2 years). 
Recruitment and education at the Doctoral School are conducted only in Polish. If you wish to prepare your doctoral thesis in the language other than Polish please contact your doctorate thesis advisor. 

The recruitment for the Doctoral School of Chopin University of Music is held every two years. The closest recruitment is scheduled for the academic year 2026/2027.