Career consultant

As part of the POWER rogram, the University offers final-year students the services of a CAREER CONSULTANT, who, within the scope of their competence, assists and supports them in starting their careers.

A career counselor offers:
- assistance in choosing the right profession, place of employment, in accordance with education and field of study;
- assistance in obtaining information on training, opportunities for further education, competence upgrading and confirmation of qualifications;
- assistance in active job search;
- diagnosis of the project participant's potential and professional preferences, analysis of information taking into account his professional experience, qualifications, motivation, talents, interests and professional predispositions, material situation and family situation;
- individual counseling on setting up a business (including legal issues, obtaining financing, protection of intellectual property and commercialization of research results);
- counseling on naming personal core competencies, defining individual career goals.


  • Monika Żak-Zambrzycka – UMFC career consultant

    I completed postgraduate studies in vocational counseling. I have been involved in vocational activation for over 17 years. I have extensive experience in the area of professional counseling as a long-time employee of the Public Employment Service. I built my professional experience during the implementation of many activation projects financed by the Labor Fund and EU funds.

    At the Career Office of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, I conduct individual meetings in the field of career counseling, during which I support students in creating professional application documents, preparing for job interviews, and pointing out opportunities for career development. I assist in the process of establishing one's own business and in the direction of obtaining funds for entrepreneurship development. I support in the development of social skills.