Chair of Dance
The Chair of Dance is an organisational unit which conducts academic and research activity at the Department of Dance, with special focus on research being part of national and international research projects. An example of the Chair’s activity are the following conferences: Dance in Global Culture (UMFC, 2014), Ad Matrem. Performative Dialogue of Sound and Movement (UMFC, 2015), St. Petersburg School of Classical Dance – Methodology, Style, Performance Tradition (UMFC, 2015, 2019), Dance at the Crossroads of Cultures. Russia – Poland (2015) A.Y. Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet in St. Petersburg, International Choreographic Atelier Akademie Remscheid (2016) Remscheid, Germany, Multimedia May Break (UMFC, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), Flow in Performance: Theories/Practices (2016) Princeton USA, Polish Dance Forum (UMFC, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, featuring W. Zapała, dr G. Dąbrowska, J. Karpiel-Bułecka), Early-School Stage of Dance Teaching as a Basis of Dancers’ Education (UMFC, 2018), Cunningham/Cage: The Idea of Creation in Real Time (2019), International Congress “Innovations in Dalcroze practice” Dalcroze Institute, Geneva (2019).
The activity related to education of dance theoreticians, dance critics and feature writers is conducted as part of Postgraduate Studies in Theory of Dance (which now has its 9th edition). The authors of the programme are: Senior Lect. mgr Małgorzata Kucharska‐Nowak, Prof. dr hab. Janina Pudełek, Prof. dr hab. Roderyk Lange, mgr Jagoda Ignaczak, dr hab. Klaudia Carlos-Machej, Prof. UMFC, Senior Lect. mgr Joanna Sibilska.
A significant event for the Chair of Dance was the fact of awarding the title of Honorary Doctor of the UMFC to Prof. dr hab. Roderyk Lange on 9 June 2016. Roderyk Lange (1930-2017) was a choreographer, dance anthropologist, and head of two academic and teaching centres: Centre for Dance Studies in Jersey and the Institute of Choreology in Poznań. The laudatory speech was prepared by prof. dr hab. Ewa Wycichowska and the reviewers were: Prof. dr Mieczysława Demska-Trębacz and Prof. dr hab. Piotr Dahlig (University of Warsaw).
One of important aspects of the Chair’s activity is its permanent collaboration with general ballet schools, Centre of Artistic Education, Grand Theatre – National Opera, and since 2018 – the A.Y. Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet in St. Petersburg.
Publications: Z. Rudnicka: Tancerz, szkoła i scena. Etiudy choreograficzne jako istotny element procesu kształtowania sylwetki artystycznej uczniów warszawskiej szkoły baletowej. Warsaw 2012; Tańcząc piórem. Nauka w służbie Terpsychoryedited by H. Raszewska. Warsaw 2014; Tańce Polskie. Polonez i Krakowiak, edited by K. Carlos-Machej. Warsaw 2016; D. Piasecka: Literatura baletowa. Wzór odtwarzania. DVD Warsaw 2017; E. Raczyńska-Warzec: Lekcja tańca klasycznego w kl. V. DVD Warsaw 2017; K. Carlos-Machej: Taniec narodowy jako wartość kultury w dobie zaborów. Warsaw 2017.