Chair of Harp, Guitar and Percussion

The objective of the activities of the Chair of Harp, Guitar and Percussion is to ensure the most appropriate conditions to develop individual instrumental skills and artistic creativity by making use of the achievements to date and the tradition established over the centuries. It is also about preparing students to perform individually during the solo and group concerts, as well as for the research and teaching work. The Chair’s activities are also aimed at inspiring organizational skills of students and preparing them for facing newer and newer challenges awaiting in the changing world.

The Chair supports the organization of concerts for students at the University and the exchange concerts with other tertiary music schools. It also invites outstanding artists to have meetings with students, arranges master courses and artistic research sessions. Its members conduct their own rich artistic and academic activity, run master classes, specialist courses for teachers, take part in research sessions, are jurors of performance competitions.

The office of Head of the Unit of Harp and Guitar in terms 2000-2004 and 2004-2008 was held by prof. Urszula Mazurek, then in 2008-2012 prof. UMFC dr hab. Marcin Zalewski. During the terms 2012-2016 and 2016-2019 prof. UMFC dr hab. Marcin Zalewski headed the Unit of Harp, Guitar and Percussion.

Upon the establishment of the Chair of Harp, Guitar and Percussion its Heads were as follows: professor UMFC dr hab. Marcin Zalewski in 2019-2020, in the years 2020-2021 professor UMFC dr hab. Henryk Mikołajczyk and since 2022 - professor UMFC dr hab. Zuzanna Elster.