Chair of Jazz and Stage Music

The Chair of Jazz and Stage Music was founded parallel to the Department of Jazz and Stage Music in October 2019 and it formally too over the supervision of content-related matters related to education of the specialty called JAZZ AND WORLD MUSIC (1st cycle) and JAZZ (2nd cycle). Another task of the Chair is the content-related coordination of academic promotion of faculty members, organisation of seminars, workshops and other academic events, and organisation of the annual concert given by students of the Department of Jazz and Stage Music.
Members of the Chair are outstanding artists pursuing intense concert and recording activity, who have won numerous awards at many competitions and festivals in Poland and abroad.
The Chair coordinates academic promotion of employees of the Department who will be able to join it in the near future.
The first Head of the Chair was Asst. Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Borowski. Since the academic year 2020-21 the function has been held by dr hab. Janusz Brych, Prof. UMFC